Instant Answers from Across Your AI Search 🚀

Instant answers directly from your search, ensuring you get the information you need promptly and securely.

Navigating through a sea of data across various work apps can be a time-consuming task. Klu AI Respond is here to revolutionize that by providing instant answers directly from your search, ensuring you get the information you need promptly and securely.

Instant Answers at Your Fingertips 🌩️

Navigating through a sea of data across various work apps can be a time-consuming task. Klu AI Respond is here to revolutionize that by providing instant answers directly from your search, ensuring you get the information you need promptly and securely.

- Example
: Imagine you’re preparing for a meeting and need to know the revenue from the last quarter. Instead of diving into spreadsheets or financial apps, simply type “What was the last quarter’s revenue?” into Klu. Klu AI Respond scans through all integrated apps, retrieves the specific data, and provides you with a direct answer, all within seconds.

Source-Verified Responses 📜

Every answer provided by Klu AI Respond comes with a source, ensuring transparency and verifiability. If Klu tells you that the last quarter’s revenue was $50,000, it will also tell you where it found that information, be it a cell in a Google Sheets document, a note in Notion, or an email in your Gmail.

Klu AI Respond

Example: If you ask, “When is the next team meeting?”, Klu might respond with “The next team meeting is on October 20th, 2023, as per the event in your Google Calendar.”

Security in Every Interaction 🔐

Klu prioritizes your data security at every step. When you ask Klu a question, your query is processed with utmost confidentiality and integrity. The data retrieval and response generation are enveloped in robust security protocols, ensuring that your data is safe and secure at all times.

Klu AI Respond is not just a feature; it’s your personal assistant that fetches precise, source-verified answers from across your integrated apps, ensuring you spend less time searching and more time focusing on tasks that matter, all while maintaining a stringent guard over your data security. 🛡️🔍

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Boost productivity with Klu

Access any information you need.

Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.

Chat AI

Engage in dynamic conversations with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights like never before.


Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters


Use Klu as a web app, standalone application, or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Klu provides you with secure search, prioritizes your data security, ensuring safe and trustworthy interactions.


Bring your favorite apps together with Klu for a unified, efficient experience.


Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.


Chat AI

Engage in  chat with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights.



Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters.


Use Klu as a web app or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.


Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.