πŸ”Ž Klu AI Search for Multiple Accounts - One search bar for multiple Gmail accounts, Outlook, Notion, Slack

How to make Klu super efficient for you? Klu supports multiple account integrations, meaning that if you connect your Gmail to Klu, you can also connect other gmail accounts to the same search. This will allow you, for example, to have all your Gmail information in one place.

How to make Klu super efficient for you? Klu supports multiple account integrations, meaning that if you connect your Gmail to Klu, you can also connect other gmail accounts to the same search. This will allow you, for example, to have all your Gmail information in one place.

As you can see here, I have my three Gmail accounts connected in one workspace. The reason for that is two of these Gmails are connected to work, which allows me to search for an invoice, booking information, or the pitch deck that I have shared with someone, all from one search.

Three Key Reasons to Choose Klu

Now you probably wonder, 'But the same thing I can do in my Gmail account, why would I use Klu?'

There are three main reasons why you need to integrate all your accounts in Klu: Accessibility, Relevancy, and Spot-On Answers: getting the answer to your question without even opening the email where the information is stored.

Let's start from the first.


Klu is not only a web app but also a Chrome extension. Meaning wherever and however you work, Klu will be there. With the Chrome extension, you will be able to open the search bar with the Cmd+K command, find what you need, and continue your work.


As we shared yesterday in our newsletter, Klu works by keywords. However, we also have our own ways of presenting relevant data for you.

As you can see, when you are searching in Gmail with only one account, you may not find the information using the same keyword as in Klu. This is because Klu understands that you are looking for the latest OpenAI invoice, so it specifically searches for the most recent OpenAI invoices in your account.

Spot-On Answers

We are entering the stage where accessing information is changing. You should not be the one who needs to find the source where the information is, in this case, your Gmail, and then read and scan your email to get to the information. It's on us. If you have information somewhere in your emails, whichever account it's in, you should be able to ask a question, and we should be able to pull information from your email and give you an answer.

As you can see, having your multiple accounts in Klu gives you the ability to access your data faster and more efficiently.

Now, we have only talked about Gmail, but this applies to every other app you have in Klu: Gmail, Google Drive, Notion, Slack.

Just remember, for us, having three things – Accessibility (Webapp and Chrome extension), Relevance (knowing what you need), and Spot-On Answers – are the most important aspects of building Klu.

So, I hope this guide on how to make Klu work for you helps you understand how to access information faster and more efficiently.

If you need any help, we can jump on a demo call together. Also, if you have any feedback for us, please reach out, and let's build Klu together.

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Boost productivity with Klu

Access any information you need.

Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.

Chat AI

Engage in dynamic conversations with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights like never before.


Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters


Use Klu as a web app, standalone application, or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Klu provides you with secure search, prioritizes your data security, ensuring safe and trustworthy interactions.


Bring your favorite apps together with Klu for a unified, efficient experience.


Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.


Chat AI

Engage in Β chat with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights.



Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters.


Use Klu as a web app or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.


Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.