What is Smart Search in Klu, and how are we making a difference?

Dealing with data on many work apps can be tricky. Unified Search makes finding this data easy. Klu uses smart search to help you quickly find and use your data, no matter which app it's on.

As we increasingly rely on various tools and apps, our data becomes spread out, creating a challenge in locating specific information. AI and machine learning can offer a solution to this problem. Klu, harnessing these advancements, provides a unified approach to searching and accessing data across multiple platforms with ease.

Our Online Tools: Scattered and Not Connected

The average worker today might communicate on Slack, document in Notion, store files on Google Drive, and manage emails through Gmail. This digital dispersion can mean wasting precious hours every week just searching for files and content. In fact knowledge workers spend an astonishing 8.8 hours a week looking for content, with 69% navigating between apps for up to an hour daily.

Introducing Klu's Unified Search

Against this backdrop, Klu's solution seeks to streamline and simplify. Here's how Klu is making a difference:

1. A Centralized Search Experience: Klu integrates data from a myriad of platforms, offering a single search bar where you can access content from Gmail, Notion, Google Drive, and more. No more toggling between ten different apps—just type in your query and let Klu do the heavy lifting.

2. AI-Driven Results: Beyond mere search functionality, Klu harnesses the power of AI to understand and fetch relevant data. Need last quarter's revenue? Just ask, and Klu scours integrated apps to provide rapid, source-verified answers.

3. Enhanced Interactivity: Klu allows direct interaction. Engage in real-time conversations with your data, ask follow-up questions, and get insights without downloading or switching apps.

4. Prioritizing Security: In line with the challenges of our digital age, Klu places a premium on data security. Every interaction, every query is processed with the highest confidentiality standards, ensuring data integrity and security.

The Future of Work

Unified search represents the future of work—a seamless blend of AI and human ingenuity to optimize our digital workspaces. Klu, with its approach, promises a future where data management is not just efficient but also intuitive and secure.

Unified Search


Unified Search addresses one of the most pressing challenges in today's digital work environment: the dispersion of data across various platforms. By providing a single point of access to all this data, it significantly boosts efficiency and productivity.

Klu takes this a step further by not just offering a unified search solution but by ensuring that this solution is intelligent, interactive, and secure.

Download Klu Mac App

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Boost productivity with Klu

Access any information you need.

Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.

Chat AI

Engage in dynamic conversations with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights like never before.


Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters


Use Klu as a web app, standalone application, or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Klu provides you with secure search, prioritizes your data security, ensuring safe and trustworthy interactions.


Bring your favorite apps together with Klu for a unified, efficient experience.


Smart Search

Experience instant, AI-powered results across all your apps with Klu's Smart Search.


Chat AI

Engage in  chat with your data using Klu AI Chat and uncover insights.



Boost your workflow with Klu and focus on what truly matters.


Use Klu as a web app or enhance your browsing with our Chrome extension.

Secured Data

Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.


Find attachments in Gmail, notes in Slack, or documents in Drive with Klu's seamless search.